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Odran Yates enters Clonliffe Seminary in 1972 after his mother informs him that he has a vocation to the priesthood. He goes in full of ambition and hope, dedicated to his studies and keen to make friends.

Forty years later, Odran's devotion has been challenged by the revelations that have shattered the Irish people's faith in the church. He has seen friends stand trial, colleagues jailed, the lives of young parishioners destroyed and has become nervous of venturing out in public for fear of disapproving stares and insulting remarks.

But when a family tragedy opens wounds from his past, he is forced to confront the demons that have raged within a once respected institution and recognise his own complicity in their propagation.

It has taken John Boyne fifteen years and twelve novels to write about his home country of Ireland but he has done so now in his most powerful novel to date, a novel about blind dogma and moral courage, and about the dark places where the two can meet. At once courageous and intensely personal, A History of Loneliness confirms Boyne as one of the most searching chroniclers of his generation.

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John Boyne

John Boyne

(Dublín, Irlanda, 1971) Escritor irlandés. Se formó en el Trinity College y en la Universidad de East Anglia, en Norwich. De sus seis novelas publicadas anteriormente destaca “El niño con el pijama de rayas”, que se ha traducido a más de cuarenta idiomas, fue ganadora de dos Irish Book Awards y finalista del British Book Award, también ha sido llevada al cine. Otras obras destacadas del autor: “Motín en la Bounty”, “La casa del propósito especial”, “La apuesta”, “El ladrón de tiempo”, “El increíble caso de Barnaby Brocket... [Leer más]

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