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Some cases aren't as cold as you'd think

Kurt Wallander's life looks like it has taken a turn for the better when his offer on a new house is accepted, only for him to uncover something unexpected in the garden - the skeleton of a middle-aged woman.

As police officers comb the property, Wallander attempts to get his new life back on course by finding the woman's killer with the aid of his daughter, Linda. But when another discovery is made in the garden, Wallander is forced to delve further back into the area's past.

A treat for fans and new readers alike, this is a never before published Kurt Wallander novella

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Henning Mankell

Henning Mankell

(Estocolmo, 1948)Dramaturgo y autor de novelas policíacas famosas en todo el mundo, también escribe libros juveniles. Actualmente vive entre Suecia y Mozambique, donde dirige el teatro nacional. Por su tetralogía "Viaje al fin del mundo" recibió numerosos premios.... [Leer más]

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