- Editorial: MCGRAW HILL
- Año de edición: 2005
- Materia: Libros de texto
- ISBN: 978-84-481-4349-7
- Páginas: 144
- Colección: < Genérica >
- Idioma: Inglés
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Alerta disponibilidad onlineStudent´s BookArts and Crafts is a four-level
course which integrates Visual Arts
and Technical Drawing theory with
an abundance of practice material
designed to help develop the creativity
and imagination of ESO students.
Each Student’s Book
is organised into six units,
the first three focusing on
the Visual Arts and three
more dealing with
Technical Drawing
Each unit begins with the
theory of the topic and
is followed by eight
Practice Sheets where
the student puts this newly
acquired knowledge
into practice
The level of English in the
Student’s Books has been
carefully graded to match
the general level of English
in ESO
Linguistic guidance is
provided along the way
as the students move
through the course
Unit focus: a breakdown
of the main objectives,
expressed in simple terms
As-you-read glossary:
key vocabulary words
highlighted in the reading
texts and referenced
to simple definitions
which appear on the
same page
Look again!:
comprehension questions
which invite students
to reread the theory and
clarify their ideas in order
to answer the questions
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