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"Baldy Woods reached for the bottle, and got it. Whenever Baldy went for anything he usually--but this is not Baldy's story. He poured out a third drink that was larger by a finger than the first and second. Baldy was in consultation; and the consultee is worthy of his hire..."

O. Henry's stories frequently have surprise endings. In his day, he was called the American answer to Guy de Maupassant. While both authors wrote plot twist endings, O. Henry stories were considerably more playful. His stories are also known for witty narration.

Most of O. Henry's stories are set in his own time, the early 20th century. Many take place in New York City and deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen, waitresses, etc.

O. Henry's work is wide-ranging, and his characters can be found roaming the cattle-lands of Texas, exploring the art of the con-man, or investigating the tensions of class and wealth in turn-of-the-century New York. O. Henry had an inimitable hand for isolating some element of society and describing it with an incredible economy and grace of language.

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O. Henry

O. Henry

O. Henry (Greensboro, 1862 - Nueva York, 1910). Seudónimo de William Sidney Porter. Narrador estadounidense, muy popular por sus relatos humorísticos y de finales sorprendentes, al que junto a E. A. Poe, B. Harte y M. Twain se considera fundador de la proverbial short story norteamericana.Como si se tratase de una de sus historias, en 1896 recibió una citación para presentarse ante un tribunal por el hurto de una pequeña suma de un banco de Austin en el que había estado empleado. Huyó y a su vuelta estuvo tres años en prisión.En 1902 s... [Leer más]

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