
15,95 €

  • Editorial: LA LIBRERIA
  • Año de edición:
  • Materia: Historia. Generalidades
  • ISBN: 978-84-9873-061-6
  • Páginas: 416
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Inglés


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15,95 €

Incorrupt bodies of saints, gold ingots, a stolen head, Jewish refugees hiding in basement of a tea shop, a utopian city that was actually built, a disastrous explosion in the Metro that killed hundreds, a little-known animal cemetery, hawks nesting on skycrapers and a resucitated Christ are only a few of the "hidden" facets of the city to which the authors of the second part of "Hidden Madrid" will introudce the reader.

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