15,00 €

  • Editorial: EUNSA
  • Año de edición:
  • Materia: Empresa
  • ISBN: 978-84-313-2330-1
  • Páginas: 208
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Inglés


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15,00 €

Consigue 0,75 puntos TROA

Este libro es la versión inglesa de Cómo desarrollar las competencias de liderazdo, publicado en febrero 2005 por nuestra editorial.

How to develop leadership competencies provides the reader with all the ingredients for developing leadership in a company. The first part will enrich his knowledge of management competencies, the different types of competencies, and why companies need competency-based leadership. The second part will help him to diagnose his own strengths and areas for improvement. The third part is a perfect guide to help the leader improve as a person and as a coach. Lastly, the Annexe and Appendices contain complementary information and tools to ensure that the whole process is professionally managed and governed from the start. With these high quality ingredients and a reader who is willing to improve, success in acquiring personal, professional and business leadership is guaranteed.

This book brings the reader face to face with himself: it is a mirror that calls out to be used. It is not a book for everyone else. It is for you. Use it. Benefit from it. Set yourself high and inspiring targets for improvement. Commit yourself to a path of continuous improvement, not of processes but of your own life. It is worth it.

Pablo Cardona is a professor in Organizational Behavior at IESE Business School. He is bachelor in Physics (University of Barcelona), MBA (IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Spain), and PhD (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA).

Pilar García-Lombardía is a research associate at IESE Business School. She is bachelor in sociology by UNED and PhD in Management (University of Navarra, Spain).

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