15,95 €


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Consigue 0,80 puntos TROA

En stock Pídelo ahora y recíbelo en tu casa el día 26/02/2025

15,95 €

Consigue 0,80 puntos TROA

A silent journey through nature and different landscapes where anything is possible. Open this book to find endless narratives and joyful adventures.Silence visits me at the riverside. Then he hides. What if I can spot him between the waves of cool water? Or does he rest in the high mountains? Maybe inside the trees? What if I could go find him?A quiet river, a special girl's gaze and the wise natural world invite us to listen soundlessly to what cannot be heard. The illustrations with paper cutouts and candy lighting create a symbolic adventure between dream and reality.An evocative wordless picture book, where playing is guaranteed and endless narrations are possible.

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