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Special Agent Pendergast and Constance Greene have been called to Exmouth, a small town on the wild Atlantic coast of Massachusetts, to investigate a seemingly innocuous theft. But what they discover at the crime scene changes the course of their investigation: a sealed burial chamber, complete with rusted leg irons, fragments of bone and claw marks on the inside-face of its bricks.

Then a historian is found murdered in the desolate salt marshes that surround the town, his face mutilated, his body carved with arcane symbols.

Exmouth has a grim history dating back to the aftermath of the Salem witch trials. And now a dark secret, centuries old, is rising to the surface.

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Lincoln Child

Lincoln Child

(Westport, Connecticut, 1957)Es conocido por ser coautor de varias novelas de suspense junto a Douglas Preston que se han convertido en superventas internacionales, especialmente las protagonizadas por el agente del FBI Aloysius Pendergast. Se licenció en Literatura Inglesa en Carleton College, en Minnesota y trabajó durante años en la prestigiosa editorial St. Martin’s Press, donde fundó su propia sección de terror como editor. Tras abandonar el mundo editorial, trabajó como analista de sistemas en MetLife; pero dicho trabajó no cumpl... [Leer más]

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