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  • Año de edición:
  • Materia: Idiomas
  • ISBN: 978-1-5098-4827-0
  • Páginas: 630
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Inglés

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Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent, who suffered a head injury that resulted in giving him the gift of a remarkable memory takes on another case in The Fix. Walter Dabney is a family man. A loving husband and the father of four grown daughters , he's built a life many would be proud of. But then the unthinkable happens. Standing outside the FBI Headquarters in Washington, D C, Dabney shoots school teacher Anne Berkshire in cold blood before turning the gun on himself. One of the many witnesses is Amos Decker; a man who forgets nothing and sees what most miss. Baffled by what appears to be a seemingly senseless and random killing, Decker is thrust into the investigation to determine what drove this family man to pull the trigger. As part of an FBI special task force, Decker and the team delve into the lives of Dabney and Berkshire to find a connection that doesn't seem to exist. What they do find are secrets that stretch back a lifetime and reveal a current plot of impending destruction that will send the world reeling, placing Decker and his team squarely in the crosshairs.

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David Baldacci

David Baldacci

(Richmond, Virginia, 1960) Escritor estadounidense, licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y en Derecho por la Universidad de Virginia. Tras licenciarse ejerció como abogado durante nueve años cerca de Washington D.C., mientras escribía cuentos y guiones sin obtener el reconocimiento deseado. Este le llegó con su primera novela “Poder absoluto” (1996), que resultó ser un gran éxito a nivel internacional y fue adaptada al cine y protagonizada por Clint Eastwood y Gene Hackman.Desde entonces, es uno de los grandes nombres del género thriller ... [Leer más]

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