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As delightfully wry and witty as his bestselling debut, ?The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared', this is a tale of how one woman's attempt to change her future ended up changing everything.

Nombeko Mayeki is on the run from the world's most ruthless secret service - with three Chinese sisters, twins who are officially one person and an elderly potato farmer. Oh, and the fate of the King of Sweden - and the world - rests on her shoulders.

Born in a Soweto shack in 1961, Nombeko was destined for a short, hard life. When she was run over by a drunken engineer her luck changed. Alive, but blamed for the accident, she was made to work for the engineer - who happened to be in charge of a project vital to South Africa's security. Nombeko was good at cleaning, but brilliant at understanding numbers. The drunk engineer wasn't - and made a big mistake. And now only Nombeko knows about it ...

As uproariously funny as Jonas Jonasson's bestselling debut, this is an entrancing tale of luck, love and international relations.

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Jonas Jonasson

Jonas Jonasson

(Växjö, Suecia, 1962) Periodista, productor televisivo sueco y escritor. Tras una larga carrera como periodista, consultor de medios y productor de televisión, Jonasson decidió empezar una nueva vida y redactar la novela que llevaba años queriendo escribir. Se instaló entonces en Ponte Tresa, una pequeña ciudad junto al lago de Lugano, en Suiza, donde escribió “El abuelo que saltó por la ventana y se largó”. Obra que le ha reportado gran éxito entre los lectores y la crítica especializada, además del Premio de los Libreros. En la... [Leer más]

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