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Summer 1942. When Bernie Gunther is ordered to speak at an international police conference, an old acquaintance has a favour to ask. Little does Bernie suspect what this simple surveillance task will provoke . . .

One year later, resurfacing from the hell of the Eastern Front, a superior gives him another task that seems straightforward: locating the father of Dalia Dresner, the rising star of German cinema. Bernie accepts the job. Not that he has much choice - the superior is Goebbels himself.

But Dresner's father hails from Yugoslavia, a country so riven by sectarian horrors that even Bernie's stomach is turned. Yet even with monsters at home and abroad, one thing alone drives him on from Berlin to Zagreb to Zurich: Bernie Gunther has fallen in love.

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Philip Kerr

Philip Kerr

(Edimburgo, 1956)Estudió en la Universidad de Birmingham y obtuvo un máster en leyes en 1980; trabajó como redactor publicitario antes de consagrarse definitivamente a la escritura en 1989 iniciando una serie de thrillers históricos ambientados en la Alemania nazi.... [Leer más]

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