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  • Editorial: CHATTO & WINDUS
  • Año de edición:
  • Materia: Narrativa
  • ISBN: 978-1-78474-283-6
  • Páginas: 336
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Inglés

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A newborn baby is the sole survivor of a terrifying plane crash.

She is raised in wealthy isolation by an overprotective father. She knows nothing of the rumours about a beautiful young woman, hidden from the world.

When a suitor visits, he understands far more than he should. Forced to run for his life, he escapes aboard The Porpoise, an assassin on his tail?

So begins a wild adventure of a novel, damp with salt spray, blood and tears. A novel that leaps from the modern era to ancient times; a novel that soars, and sails, and burns long and bright; a novel that almost drowns in grief yet swims ashore; in which pirates rampage, a princess wins a wrestler?s hand, and ghost women with lampreys? teeth drag a man to hell ? and in which the members of a shattered family, adrift in a violent world, journey towards a place called home.

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